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Red and Blue Customers Opportunity Assessment

Regular price $10,000.00 USD
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This engagement is a combination of presentations and consulting designed to reveal specific opportunities for growth and efficiency in your organization with conservative and liberal customers. The engagement can be configured in different ways, but generally follows this structure:

Initial Presentation/Briefing. This is the same presentation used in the "Introduction" session. It provides a general overview of looking at customers and markets as conservative and liberal. This presentation serves to frame up the approach the business can take to look at customers and markets. By the end of this presentation call, an action plan is formed to evaluate available data and resources. 

Working Session. This meeting serves to work through the findings from evaluating different aspects of your business. We review the findings to develop ideas for growth and efficiency. This may span aspects of the business, brand, products, communications, and more. 

Strategy Presentation. This is a presentation potentially with a broader team that has not necessarily been involved in the upfront work. On this call, we present the core concepts of conservative and liberal customers together with specific insights related to your business. There is potentially brainstorming around which ideas seem actionable and attractive for making improvements and/or conducting market tests. 

Debrief. If it's helpful, we can debrief with a team following all of this work to answer any final questions or develop any revisions to potential implementation.